Thighs / Legs

Thighs / Legs
- Bone in skin on thighs are believed to have better flavor then their boneless skinless thigh counterparts. Bone in skin on thighs are seen as being more economical than other boneless thighs.
- Boneless skin on thighs are popular amongst locals in Hawaii.
- Boneless skinless thighs are a very common part of the chicken in Hawaii and one of our top sellers.
- Portions thighs are for customers who want to keep costs and sizing consistent for each serving of food they sell.
- We carry a variety of cubed thighs ranging either in sizing or with or without skin.
- Boneless skinless legs are essentially a leg quarter with all bones and skin removed.
- Boneless skin on legs are essentially leg quarters with all bones removed.
Bone In Skin On Thighs
Boneless Skin On Thighs
Boneless Skinless Thighs
Portion Thighs
Thigh Cubes
Thigh Quarters
Boneless Skinless Legs
Boneless Skin On Legs
Leg Cubes
Leg Quarters
Whole Legs